lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Next Year

End of the semester:

I never thought this course would be developed in such an innovative way. Many different forms to analize the different readings, including and relating within the Chilean teaching reality. It was an amazing work that our teacher did with us, making us reflect upon our practices, although we had really little time this semester. I am glad because this learning process that held Mauricio, allowed me to use my creativity in a variety of ways, that I was willing to use from the very beginning of my career. However, I am still afraid of what is coming, I am not want to become what I critized. However, I got more confident this year of what I doing and what I am thinking about teaching and its responsabilities. Also, I think that our learning process allow us to think differently from the old teachers because opened our minds to teach students to communicate and express what they think and feel in a different way.

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